Join us for the first in a multi-part webinar series which focuses on understanding and using costing and value for money in the context of HIV testing services!


Huge strides have been made toward diagnosing people living with HIV (PLHIV). However, as more people are reached and diagnosed the cost of additional testing to achieve the first 90 “90% of PLHIV know their status by 2020” is increasing. Identifying and select the most efficient HIV testing approaches remains a key challenge for many countries, implementers and donors. The series focuses on expert presentations including country perspectives and experiences, as well as principles and examples to help guide decision-making. This first webinar will focus on the key principles of using and understanding costing information in the context of HIV testing.


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The WHO and the Cost-EffectiveNess of HIV Testing Services working group (CENTS) is convening this series.
Want to learn more about CENTS? Email Email