LabCoP VL Cascade and Theory of Action

 Originally published on August 27, 2019   Posted on August 27, 2019

Scaling up viral load testing to reach the 3rd 90 of the UNAIDS 90-90-90 targets by 2020 requires a holistic approach, addressing each step of the VL testing continuum from the demand for test request for all eligible patients, to the utilization of test results. Improving VL scale-up at the facility level is important, however, systemic issues limiting the impact of VL on the 3rd 90 also need to be addressed at the national level, through the involvement of stakeholders from different sectors, ministries and disciplines.

The diagram here depicts the viral load testing continuum, how it contributes to better patient management, relates to the underlying laboratory systems and involves national stakeholders. Embracing this intricate context, LabCoP aims to help improve laboratory system functions and accelerate the scale of VL for improved patient management, according to the theory of action.

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LabCoP VL Cascade and Theory of Action

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