Considerations for Developing a Monitoring and Evaluation Framework for Viral Load Scale-Up and Implementation

 Originally published on December 17, 2019   Posted on December 17, 2019

To reach the third 90 of the UNAIDS 90–90–90 targets, country programmes must delve into their data and understand how they represent the quality of VL testing services. This guide, published by WHO, presents key considerations and examples of tools (provided in the annexes) to assist countries in developing a national VL M&E plan. As countries invest in scaling up of routine viral load testing, measuring the impact of and progress towards achieving the UNAIDS target that 90% of people receiving antiretroviral therapy have suppressed viral loads by 2020 (as part of the 90–90–90 targets) is critical. It has three sections that cover: 1) assessing monitoring and evaluation data systems and tools, and understanding how data flows to and from facilities, 2) indicators that monitoring and evaluation systems include longitudinal follow up of unsuppressed VL, and 3) methods for evaluating VL implementation plans and examples of evaluation questions.