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  • White Paper

    Point-of-care testing as a solution for timely early infant diagnosis

    Based on the recent encouraging evidence POC/ near-POC EID warrants  consideration of rapid adoption and strategic scale up of this solution complementing the existing laboratory network. Ravikiran Bhairavabhotla from CDC briefly outlines the  evidence and tools to support the strategic introduction of POC EID as part of a tiered national laboratory network.

     Author(s) Ravikiran Bhairavabhotla   Originally published on October 2, 2024   Posted on October 12, 2018

  • Publication

    A Proposed Framework for the Implementation of Early Infant Diagnosis Point-of-Care

    To reduce morbidity and mortality among HIV-infected children and close the treatment gap for HIV-infected children, there is an urgent need to evaluate existing programmatic and laboratory practices for early infant diagnosis and introduce strategies to improve identification of HIV-exposed infants and ensure access to systematic, early HIV testing, with early linkage to treatment for HIV-infected infants. This article describes progress made in follow-up of HIV-exposed infants since 2006, including remaining unmet laboratory and programmatic needs, and recommends strategies for improvement, especially those related to the implementation of point-of-care technology for early infant diagnosis.

     Author(s) Diallo et al   Originally published on January 1, 2017   Posted on October 12, 2018

  • Guidelines

    Early detection of HIV infection in infants and children

    Because of the high risk of death before the age of 2 years among HIV-infected infants, and given
    the increasing availability of paediatric antiretroviral treatment in many resource-limited settings,
    WHO recommends that national programmes should establish the capacity to provide early
    virological testing of infants for HIV.

     Author(s) WHO   Originally published on October 2, 2024   Posted on October 12, 2018

  • Guidelines


    Novel point-of-care tools for early infant diagnosis of HIV WHO, 2017

    Sufficient evidence has been generated on the performance of these assays in the intended field settings to support rapid national regulatory approval and initiation of scale-up. Performance was consistent between laboratory and field settings, and across countries. Further technical evaluations of these technologies are unlikely to add value, but may instead delay implementation and timely diagnoses of HIV-infected infants, a critical and vulnerable population. National regulatory agencies are encouraged to not delay adoption by conducting further evaluations, but instead adopt a rapid and streamlined registration and national approval process for immediate implementation.

     Author(s) WHO   Originally published on January 1, 2017   Posted on October 12, 2018

  • Other

    Point-of-Care Key Considerations and Toolkit Webinar

    On 15 May, 2018 UNICEF hosted a webinar to provide a broad overview of the Key Considerations Document and the HIV POC Diagnostics Toolkit and to promote coordinated dissemination of both resources amongst partners at the country level. Click the player to watch the webinar.

     Author(s) UNICEF   Originally published on June 7, 2018   Posted on June 7, 2018

  • Other

    Point-of-Care Tool Kit

    An extension of Key Considerations for Introducing New HIV Point of Care Diagnostic Technologies in National Health Systems, this Toolkit contains various practical tools and guidance to support countries as they introduce point-of-care (POC) HIV technologies into existing national diagnostic networks and laboratory systems. It provides a roadmap for countries as they seek to expand access to quality-assured HIV diagnostics and work toward achieving the UNAIDS 90-90-90 Fast Track HIV targets.

     Author(s) UNICEF   Originally published on May 22, 2018   Posted on May 22, 2018

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  • Laboratory Networks
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  • Point-of-Care
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  • Antimicrobial Resistance
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  • Continuous Quality Improvement
  • Diagnostic Technology
  • Emerging Infectious Diseases
  • Global Health Security
  • Laboratory Clinic Interface
  • Laboratory Information Systems
  • Laboratory System Strengthening
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  • Tuberculosis
  • Viral Load Scale-Up
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