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  • Other

    ASLM Certified WHO-AFRO SLIPTA Auditors

    ASLM has been designated by WHO-AFRO to coordinate and lead the implementation of the Stepwise Quality Laboratory Improvement Process towards Accreditation (SLIPTA) in Africa. ASLM has developed a standardized SLIPTA auditor training curricula and trained the auditors at country and regional levels. This map shows the number of ASLM certified SLIPTA auditors per country.

     Author(s) TBD   Originally published on June 10, 2019   Posted on June 10, 2019

  • Guidelines Report

    The Missed Potential of CD4 and VL Testing

    This insightful paper was published in Plos about the missed potential of CD4 and viral load testing to improve clinical outcomes for people living with HIV in lower-resource settings.

     Author(s) TBD   Originally published on June 10, 2019   Posted on June 10, 2019

  • e-Learning Video

    2019 Waste Management Training Session 3: Tool for Waste Management Considerations for VL and EID Testing Laboratories and Associated Healthcare Facilities

    In collaboration with ASLM and the LabCoP community, the CDC International Laboratory Branch (ILB) presented the 3rd of 6 ECHO sessions dedicated to waste management. In this session, a draft of a viral load waste management checklist tool that can be used as baseline audit of select country VL labs was introduced. The tool aims to assist in creating awareness of best practices and identifying gaps for waste management processes in HIV molecular testing laboratories and associated healthcare facilities.

     Author(s) TBD   Originally published on October 2, 2024   Posted on May 22, 2019

  • e-Learning Guidelines Publication Report Video

    2019 Waste Management Training Session 2: The WHO Blue Book: Safe Management of Wastes from Health-Care Activities

    In collaboration with ASLM and the LabCoP community, the CDC International Laboratory Branch (ILB) presented an overview of the World Health Organization (WHO) Publication: ‘Safe Management of Wastes from Health-Care Activities’ during the 2nd of 6 ECHO sessions dedicated to waste management. This document, developed by WHO in 2017, highlights the key aspects of safe healthcare waste management in order to guide policymakers, practitioners and facility managers to improve such services in healthcare facilities.

     Author(s) TBD   Originally published on May 8, 2019   Posted on May 8, 2019

  • e-Learning Guidelines Publication Report Video

    2019 Waste Management Training Session 1: Review of Waste Management Practices At the Country Level

    In collaboration with ASLM and the LabCoP community, the CDC International Laboratory Branch (ILB) presented the 1st of 6 ECHO sessions dedicated to waste management. In this session we reviewed waste management at the country level using the responses to the November 2018 LabCoP Waste Management Questionnaire, and introduced the World Health Organization (WHO) Publication: ‘Safe Management of Wastes from Health-Care Activities’.

     Author(s) TBD   Originally published on May 8, 2019   Posted on May 8, 2019

  • Guidelines

    VL Scale-Up Strategic Decision Making

    LabCoP members who attended the Kampala face-to-face meeting in October 2018 developed a Decision-Making Matrix that outlines strategic areas, strategic options, and priority action items for improvement in four focus areas within the viral load cascade, including demand creation, results utilization, waste management and biosafety, and network optimization. This matrix could be used as a tool to aid in the development of intervention plans (work plans/implementations plans) for these thematic areas.

     Author(s) TBD   Originally published on October 2, 2024   Posted on February 14, 2019

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  • Laboratory Networks
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  • Antimicrobial Resistance
  • Biosafety/Biosecurity
  • Continuous Quality Improvement
  • Diagnostic Technology
  • Emerging Infectious Diseases
  • Global Health Security
  • Laboratory Clinic Interface
  • Laboratory Information Systems
  • Laboratory System Strengthening
  • Laboratory Workforce
  • Policy and Guidelines
  • Public-Private Partnerships
  • Quality Management Systems and Accreditation
  • Sample Transportation
  • Tuberculosis
  • Viral Load Scale-Up
  • Waste Management
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